Parent with Purpose, Nurture their Future

How to take action to support your young child’s development and give them the best start in life

'Parent with Purpose, Nurture their Future' campaign key visual

The period from pregnancy to a child’s sixth birthday is a critical window of opportunity. What you do as a parent or caregiver during this time will shape your child’s future. To achieve their full potential, young children need good health, nutrition, early learning and play, safety and security, and responsive care – like talking, singing and playing – with parents or caregivers who love them.

Find out more about how you, as a parent or caregiver, can support your children during these important years.

Responsive caregiving

When you look after your child, your child looks to you to meet their needs. This video shows the huge difference that being actively engaged with your children can make!

Nurturing care

There are five key things that children need during their early years. These are: good health, nutrition, early learning and stimulation, safety and security, and responsive caregiving. Watch these five videos to get practical advice on each one.

Be part of our campaign!
Share your own stories of early childhood development.

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Parenting Master Class

Listen to these short podcasts to learn more about how you can provide nurturing care for your child. This series covers breastfeeding, brain development, early learning, parenting techniques, the role of fathers, and much more. Our experts answer the difficult parenting questions for mothers and fathers.

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Are you searching for a solution to a parenting problem? Can you share a success story with others? We want to hear from you!

Join the discussion on social media. We welcome your comments, photos, or videos on early childhood development. We will share a selection with our audience.

Good health

Are vaccines safe?

Answers to common questions about babies and vaccines.
Read the story


14 myths and truths about breastfeeding

What you should know when it comes to breastfeeding
Read the story

Early learning

Advice from experts on babies and learning

Learning among children begins earlier than you think
Read the story

Safety and security

Child Safe Home Check List

Injuries afflict children across China.
See the full report

Files available for download (1)

Responsive care

How to be a great dad

Three tips from UNICEF to fathers out there
Visit the page