UNICEF in China and Beyond

An Overview of UNICEF’s Work in China

UNICEF in China and Beyond
UNICEF/China/2016/Yang Jingjie


The UNICEF in China and Beyond publication seeks to give an overview of UNICEF’s work in China as well as provide a global perspective on the major development areas relevant to children today. The publication's narrative focuses on UNICEF's work in China in 14 areas: immunization; newborn care; barefoot social workers; child-friendly spaces; elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV; syphilis and hepatitis B; poverty reduction, basic public services; nutrition (ying yang bao); water, sanitation and hygiene; life skills training for adolescents; social emotional learning; rural teacher support system; child-friendly kindergartens; and integrated early childhood development.

UNICEF in China and Beyond
Publication date
Chinese, English

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