02 November 2023

Let’s Build a Child Friendly Society for All. Light Up Children’s Future.

World Children's Day key visual UNICEF Watch the World Children's Day livestream record on Weibo World Children’s Day is UNICEF’s annual day of action for children, by children, marking the anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on 20 November. Every child deserves to grow up in a child-friendly world.…, What does a child-friendly world look like?, Watch our video to see what a child-friendly society can look like, from children's own perspective. What does a child-friendly world look like? For 2023 World Children's Day, 49 cities and counties across China lit up buildings and communities in blue to show their commitment to children's rights. Cities light up for 2023 World Children's Day, Turning China blue, Around World Children's Day, children and adults across China are pledging their support for child rights by turning the country blue. 2023年11月18日,河北省保定市一儿童友好社区内,孩子们一起庆祝即将到来的世界儿童日,两名小女孩开心地举起她们手绘的儿童友好主题画作。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-baoding-11222023, Two little girls happily display their hand-painted drawings on child-friendly themes, joining in the celebration of World Children's Day in a child-friendly community in Baoding, Hebei Province, on November 18, 2023., UNICEF/China/2023/Chen Yongliang 2023年11月20日,北京三里屯洲际酒店外墙以蓝色灯光点亮,庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-beijing-intercontinental-sanlitun-11222023, The InterContinental Sanlitun turns blue to mark World Children's Day on 20 November 2023., UNICEF/China/2023/Xu Jiye 2023年11月17日,北京地铁十号线地铁车窗上展示世界儿童日的主题海报。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-beijing-subway-line-10-11222023, The poster of World Children's Day is displayed on the windows of subway cars on Line 10 of the Beijing Metro on 20 November., UNICEF/China/2023/Xia Yong 2023年11月19日,北京秀水街大厦点亮了蓝色灯光以庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-beijing-silk-street-mall-11222023, The Silk Street Mall in Beijing turns blue on 19 November 2023 to mark World Children’s Day, which falls on 20 November., Courtesy of City Window 2023年11月12日,大栅栏街道的30名孩子作为“儿童责任规划师”,与家长和城市规划师一起走街串巷,共同体验传统文化、探索街区的适儿化改造方案,并用蓝色点亮大栅栏地图,庆祝世界儿童日的到来。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-beijing-dashilan-11222023, 30 children from Dashilan in Beijing take a child-friendly City Walk as 'city planners' with their parents and urban planners on 12 November 2023 to mark World Children's Day. They lit up the map of Dashilan with blue stickers., UNICEF/China/2023/Wu Jingyi 2023年11月20日,山东滨州的建筑物以蓝色灯光点亮,庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-binzhou-11222023, A building in Binzhou, Shandong Province, turns blue to mark World Children's Day on 20 November 2023., Courtesy of Binzhou Women's Federation 2023年11月20日,广东潮州广济桥点亮了蓝色灯光以庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-chaozhou-11222023, Guangji Bridge in Chaozhou, Guangdong Province, is lit up in blue on 20 November 2023 to mark World Children's Day., Chaozhou Women's Federation 2023年11月18日,湖南省长沙市中心商区的两个LED大屏展示世界儿童日相关宣传资料。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-changsha-11222023, LED screens in Changsha's city center display advertising about World Children's Day on 18 November 2023., Courtesy of Changsha Natural Resources and Planning Bureau 2023年11月19日,成都港汇天地大厦点亮了蓝色灯光以庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-chengdu-11222023, Chengdu Ganghui Tiandi turns blue on 19 November 2023 to mark World Children's Day, which falls on 20 November., Courtesy of City Window 2023年11月19日,重庆复星国际中心点亮了蓝色灯光以庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-chongqing-11222023, Fosun International Center in Chongqing turns blue on 19 November 2023 to mark World Children's Day, which falls on 20 November., Courtesy of City Window 2023年11月20日,辽宁省大连市星海广场双子楼以蓝色灯光点亮,庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-dalian-11222023, The Twin Towers in Dalian's Xinghai Square turn blue to mark World Children's Day on 20 November 2023., Courtesy of the Office of Dalian Working Committee of Children and Women's Affairs 2023年11月20日,甘肃敦煌月牙泉以蓝色灯光点亮,庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-dunhuang-11222023, The Crescent Lake in Dunhuang, Gansu Province, is lit up in blue to mark World Children's Day on 20 November 2023., Courtesy of the People's Government of Dunhuang and Dunhuang Culture & Tourism Group 2023年11月19日,广州广发证券大厦点亮了蓝色灯光以庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-guangzhou-11222023, Guangfa Securities Headquarters in Guangzhou turns blue on 19 November 2023 to mark World Children's Day, which falls on 20 November., Courtesy of City Window 2023年11月20日,安徽省黄山市新安江上的观光索桥点亮蓝色灯光庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-huangshan-11222023, A cable-stayed bridge in Huangshan, Anhui Province, is lit up in blue to mark World Children's Day on 20 November 2023., UNICEF/China/2023/Bi Gao 2023年11月20日,佛山南海千灯湖举行2023年世界儿童日“点亮儿童未来”主题活动。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-foshan-11222023, Buildings in Nanhai District of Foshan, Guangdong Province, turn blue to mark World Children's Day on 20 November 2023., Courtesy of Foshan Media Center 2023年11月19日,浙江湖州一座建筑点亮了蓝色灯光以庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-huzhou-11222023, A building in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, turns blue on 19 November 2023 to mark World Children's Day, which falls on 20 November., Courtesy of City Window 2023年11月20日,广东省揭阳学宫点亮了蓝色灯光以庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-jieyang-11222023, Jieyang Confucius Temple in Guangdong Province turns blue to celebrate World Children's Day., Courtesy of Jieyang United Front Work Department 2023年11月20日,甘肃酒泉的钟鼓楼以蓝色灯光点亮,庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-jiuquan-11222023, The Drum and Bell Tower in Jiuquan, Gansu Province, is lit up in blue to mark World Children's Day on 20 November 2023., Courtesy of the Liaison Office of the People's Government of Jiuquan in Beijing 2023年世界儿童日之际,弥勒市开展主题点亮活动,在"童眼看弥勒,童语话发展“座谈会上,孩子们分成小组讨论他们心目中的儿童友好城市是怎样的。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-mile-11222023, Girls engage in a discussion on constructing a child-friendly society during a round-table session as part of the World Children's Day celebration event held in Mile County, Yunnan Province, on November 20, 2023., Courtesy of Mile Women's Federation 2023年11月19日,在青岛五四广场的世界儿童日活动上,孩子们在跳绳。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-qingdao-11222023, Children jump rope during an event marking World Children's Day in Qingdao, Shandong Province, on 19 November 2023., Courtesy of Qingdao Women and Children's Center 2023年11月20日,福建泉州的建筑物以蓝色灯光点亮,庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-quanzhou-11222023, Buildings in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, turn blue to mark World Children's Day on 20 November 2023., Courtesy of Chen Yingjie 2023年11月20日,浙江省衢州市文化艺术中心和便民服务中心以蓝色灯光点亮,庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-quzhou-11222023, A landmark building in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, turns blue to mark World Children's Day on 20 November 2023., Courtesy of Quzhou Women's Federation 2023年11月11日,云南省瑞丽市举办世界儿童日庆祝活动,孩子们正在翻阅书本。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-ruili-11222023, Children are reading books in a World Children's Day event held by Ruili City, in Yunnan Province on November, 2023., UNICEF/China/2023/Song Lijuan 2023年11月19日,上海蟠龙古镇廊桥以蓝色灯光点亮,庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-shanghai-panlong-town-11222023, A bridge in Shanghai's Panlong Town turns blue to mark World Children's Day on 19 November 2023., Courtesy of Shanghai Panlong Tiandi 2023年11月19日,上海外滩的多处建筑点亮了蓝色灯光以庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-shanghai-bund-11222023, Skyscrapers in the Shanghai Bund turn blue on 19 November 2023 to mark World Children's Day, which falls on 20 November., Courtesy of City Window 2023年11月20日,上海中福会少年宫上演了一场灯光秀,庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-shanghai-china-welfare-institue-children-palace-11222023, China Welfare Institute Children's Palace in Shanghai puts on a light show to celebrate World Children's Day on 20 November 2023., Courtesy of China Welfare Institute Children's Palace 2023年11月20日,广东汕头市小公园点亮了蓝色灯光以庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-shantou-11222023, The Small Park in Shantou, Guangdong Province, is lit up in blue on 20 November 2023 to mark World Children's Day., Courtesy of Shantou United Front Work Department 2023年11月20日,山东潍坊的弥河大桥以蓝色灯光点亮,庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-weifang-11222023, The Mihe Bridge in Weifang, Shandong Province, turns blue to mark World Children's Day on 20 November 2023., Courtesy of the Office of Weifang Working Committee on Children and Women's Affairs 2023年11月20日,山东省威海市悦海公园灯塔以蓝色灯光点亮,庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-weihai-11222023, A lighthouse in Weihai, Shandong Province, turns blue to mark World Children's Day on 20 November 2023., Courtesy of Weihai Women and Children Development Center 2023年11月20日,浙江温州的建筑物以蓝色灯光点亮,庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-wenzhou-11222023, Buildings in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, turn blue to mark World Children's Day on 20 November 2023., Courtesy of Wenzhou Women's Federation 2023年11月20日,江苏无锡的建筑物以蓝色灯光点亮,庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-wuxi-11222023, Buildings in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, turn blue to mark World Children's Day on 20 November 2023., Courtesy of Wuxi Women's Federation 2023年11月19日,西安市的陕西信息大厦点亮了蓝色灯光以庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-xi-an-11222023, Shaanxi Information Building in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, turns blue on 19 November 2023 to mark World Children's Day, which falls on 20 November., Courtesy of City Window 2023年11月20日,在湖北省咸宁市一场庆祝世界儿童日的活动上,一名女孩在唱歌。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-xianning-11222023, A girl performs during an event marking World Children's Day in Xianning, Hubei Province, on 20 November 2023., Courtesy of Xianning City Management and Law Enforcement Committee 2023年11月20日,山东烟台的建筑物以蓝色灯光点亮,庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-yantai-11222023, A building in Yantai, Shandong Province, turns blue to mark World Children's Day on 20 November 2023., Courtesy of the Office of Yantai Working Committee on Children and Women's Affairs 2023年11月19日,在河南省郑州市,孩子们拿着蓝色的星星灯,在以蓝色点亮的绿地中心·千玺广场前,庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-zhengzhou-11222023, Children hold blue star lights and celebrate World Children's Day in front of Greenland Plaza, which is lit up in blue, in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, on 19 November 2023., Courtesy of 郑州市儿童友好城市建设工作领导小组办公室 2023年11月19日,珠海银都大厦点亮了蓝色灯光以庆祝世界儿童日。 zh-cn-wcd-2023-zhuhai-11222023, Yindu Plaza in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, turns blue on 19 November 2023 to mark World Children's Day, which falls on 20 November., Courtesy of City Window 2023年11月18日,河北省保定市一儿童友好社区内,孩子们一起庆祝即将到来的世界儿童日,两名小女孩开心地举起她们手绘的儿童友好主题画作。 2023年11月20日,北京三里屯洲际酒店外墙以蓝色灯光点亮,庆祝世界儿童日。 2023年11月17日,北京地铁十号线地铁车窗上展示世界儿童日的主题海报。 2023年11月19日,北京秀水街大厦点亮了蓝色灯光以庆祝世界儿童日。 2023年11月12日,大栅栏街道的30名孩子作为“儿童责任规划师”,与家长和城市规划师一起走街串巷,共同体验传统文化、探索街区的适儿化改造方案,并用蓝色点亮大栅栏地图,庆祝世界儿童日的到来。 2023年11月20日,山东滨州的建筑物以蓝色灯光点亮,庆祝世界儿童日。…, UNICEF Ambassadors and Special Advocates Light up Children's Future, World Children's Day poster of UNICEF Ambassador Chen Kun World Children's Day poster of 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