2023: Year in Review
Highlights of UNICEF's work for children in China
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In 2023, China emerged from COVID-19 restrictions. Children returned full time in person to school and UNICEF and partners travelled across the country to implement programmes for children, advocate for their rights and tell their stories. Here are 12 highlights from the year, which demonstrate UNICEF’s impact for children in China and around the world. As we move into 2024, we remain committed to protecting and fulfilling children’s rights.

Xinhua/Zhang Hongxiang
January: Climate-Resilient Sanitation
In remote areas affected by extreme weather, children need climate-resilient, gender-sensitive and disability-inclusive sanitation. In early 2023, UNICEF and partners installed innovative toilets in remote areas of Qinghai, a mountainous province in western China.

Xinhua/Zhang Hongxiang
These climate-smart toilets are equipped with water saving technology, solar heating and waste-to-fertilizer systems. Another pilot demonstrated how unsanitary dry toilets can be upgraded to climate-smart facilities that are warm in winter, safe for children, and accessible for children with disabilities. Read full story...

UNICEF/China/2019/Ma Yuyuan
May: Child Protection Systems
Children have the right to be protected against violence, exploitation and abuse. In 2023, UNICEF and the Government of China piloted integrated child protection systems in four provinces: Jiangxi, Guangxi, Ningxia and Shandong. This model brings together different services to ensure that cases of violence and children at risk of family separation can be identified and referred to appropriate social services.
UNICEF also continued to build the capacity of frontline workers, including through a training workshop in May, to deliver preventive services, such as positive parenting and play-based psychosocial activities. This reached over 95,000 children in need of protection. Watch a video…

UNICEF/China/2023/Ma Yuyuan
June: Positive Parenting Campaign
Positive parenting is essential for creating a child-friendly home environment so that children can thrive and reach their potential. For Parenting Month in June, UNICEF and partners launched the ‘Light Every Moment of Childhood’ campaign, to provide parents with practical parenting tips to help them build positive relationships with their children.
As part of the campaign, UNICEF and partners held an online and offline art installation exhibition called ‘A Moment of Childhood Memory Affects a Lifetime’, which invited participants to reflect on the negative effects of violence against children in three settings: at home, at school, and online. Find out more…

August: Inspiring Girls in Science
Every female scientist was once a girl, and every girl has the potential to be a science champion. To inspire girls’ interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) learning, UNICEF and partners organized the ‘Championing Her Future’ summer camp for girls from rural areas in Beijing.
This provided an opportunity for girls to experience cutting-edge science and technology through science classes, project work and visits to science laboratories and high-tech companies. The girls also received mentoring support from Peking University students. Watch a video...

UNICEF/China/2023/Ma Yuyuan
August: Early Childhood Development
Early childhood offers a critical window of opportunity to shape a child’s future. For children to achieve their full potential, they need health care and nutrition, protection from harm, early learning, and responsive caregiving. In China, UNICEF and partners are working to improve the quality and delivery of early childhood development (ECD) services in 30 provinces.
The focus is on building the capacity of community health service providers and health systems, including through targeted parenting counselling, care group activities and home visits. In August, UNICEF and partners visited Sanshui County, one of project counties in Guizhou Province, to see the results for children and family benefitting from this programme.

UNICEF/China/2023/Ma Yuyuan
September: Healthy Food Environment
Children need a healthy diet to grow, develop and meet their full potential. Recognizing the role of city governments in supporting this, UNICEF organized a Healthy Food City Symposium in Chengdu. The views of 1,300 young people on creating a healthy food environment were shared with participants, including findings from UNICEF’s ‘Fix My Food’ youth consultations.
Over 100 policymakers, experts, and adolescents from China and four other countries shared their experiences and innovations. This included pioneering initiatives and evidence to support the creation of a conducive environment for children to access nutritious diets. Watch a video...

Lin Kun
September: Child-Friendly Cities
In 2023, UNICEF deepened collaboration with the Government of China on Child-Friendly Cities. Through training, advocacy, resource mobilization and exchanges, we supported over 30 counties and cities with child-friendly strategies and action plans. This helped communities turn child-friendly ideas into practical measures, enabling more children to grow up in more friendly communities and cities.
Child friendly schools, meanwhile, have promoted inclusive education to improve learning for all children. In September, UNICEF launched a report on Child Friendly Cities in the East Asia and Pacific Region, which provides an overview of best practice and recommendations to shape inclusive and sustainable cities for children. Read the report…

UNICEF/China/2023/Ma Yuyuan
October: Partnership for Education
In October, Chery Automobile and UNICEF announced a new two-year partnership, in support of education programmes around the world. This will help tackle the global learning crisis by supporting UNICEF programmes aimed at providing quality education to the most disadvantaged children.
Chery will support education programmes in China, Mexico, South Africa and Turkey. This will include providing inclusive, healthy, and safe learning environments for children and adolescents, ensuring equal opportunities to learn and enhance their employability. Find out more…

UNICEF/China/2023/Zhang Jie
November: Adolescent Mental Health
Mental health is a critical issue in China, where up to one in six children may suffer from mental disorders. In response, UNICEF is working with partners on an Adolescent Mental Health and Development programme.
This includes a mental health service package and peer support toolkit for 100 pilot schools across 10 provinces, aiming to reach over 100,000 students by 2025. UNICEF and partners launched the package at an event in November, where young people from university mental health clubs also showcased peer support activities.

UNICEF/China/2023/Li Hao
November: World Children’s Day
Every year, UNICEF celebrates World Children’s Day by drawing attention to a different issue for children. In 2023, our campaign was about building a child-friendly society for all, highlighting children’s and youth voices. The flagship event in Beijing was attended by 600 guests and livestreamed to over 1.2 million people.
At the same time, a record 49 cities and counties across China lit buildings in blue to show their commitment to child rights. The digital campaign, which was supported by celebrities, youth advocates, media and digital platforms explored what a child-friendly society is and can look like in China, including through children’s eyes. Watch a video...

November: South-South Cooperation
UNICEF’s work in China also supports children in other countries around the world. In 2023, delegates from 11 African and five Asian countries joined a roundtable co-organized by UNICEF and partners to share experiences in maternal and child health. The delegates also visited Guangxi to a hospital and community health service centre.
The visit was a chance for countries to learn about China’s community-based healthcare system, as well as to share experiences from Africa and Asia. This year, UNICEF also helped secure funding from the Government of China to provide assistance for over 146,000 children affected by floods in Timor-Leste. Read full story…

December: Jishishan Earthquake Response
When a natural disaster or other emergency strikes, children and families need rapid support and supplies to help them rebuild their lives. After the major Jishishan earthquake in December, UNICEF delivered over 353,000 items of supplies, worth over US $2 million, to help earthquake-affected children in Gansu and Qinghai Provinces.
This includes winter clothing such as padded jackets, cotton trousers and padded sweatshirts to help children stay warm while waiting to return home, as well as hygiene and first aid kits. Find out more...