
Typed words have the power to hurt or help. Use your keys for good.

What is cyberbullying

Cyberbullying involves posting or sending electronic messages, including text, pictures or videos, aimed at harassing, threatening or spreading rumors on another person using a variety of digital platforms such as online social networks, chat rooms, blogs, instant messaging and text messaging.

What is cyberbullying?

Let’s use our keys for good

UNICEF has reinvented the keyboard to help end cyberbullying. A large interactive keyboard was recently on display in Shanghai filled with positive messages to promote positive online behavior and contribute to the healthy development of young people. Through this offline device and an H5 game, we hope that every time a teenager sends a message using the keyboard, reminding themselves to choose goodwill over bullying.

#KeytoKindness with UNICEF ambassador, Wang Yuan

UNICEF's 'Key to Kindness' campaign launches at Wuzhen Global Internet Expo, demonstrating how cyberbullying can be overcome with kindness on 18 October 2019.
UNICEF shares its 'Key to Kindness’ campaign at the 2019 Global Internet Expo in Wuzhen on 18 October 2019.