What dividends could investment in children's early years deliver for China?
This article is from Best of UNICEF Research 2018
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This article is from Best of UNICEF Research 2018. It is a review on the journal paper "What could cognitive capital mean for China's children", published in 2017 by UNICEF staffs.
An original and ground-breaking report, with high potential for impact and uptake by UNICEF and others globally, facilitated by its good use of evidence-based linkages to the Sustainable Development Goals. The external panel noted that “the proposed early childhood development package around nurturing care is well founded and returns on investments in cognitive capital formation can be a game-changer in China and emerging middle-income countries”, by offering a framework to synthesize multi-sectoral efforts into an integrated approach to policy and programming in China and abroad. The internal panel also highlighted the article's strong conceptualization and clear presentation.