COVID-19 Education Situation Analysis in Asia

Effects of and Responses to COVID-19 on the Education Sector Regional Report

COVID-19 Education Analysis


This regional situation analysis provides a snapshot of the educational responses and effects of COVID-19 across Asia and has been undertaken as part of the broader analysis initiated by UNICEF and UNESCO to assess the progress of countries in the region towards the targets of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4.

This regional report is based on the findings of three sub-regional reports (East Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia) and 14 case studies, which in turn are based on a comprehensive desk-review of qualitative and quantitative evidence, complemented by key informant interviews with relevant education officials, local authorities and teachers.

See all country case studies, sub-regional and regional reports [hyperlink to main landing page].

The situation analysis considers the direct effects of school closures and reopening and identifies their impact on learners, their families as well as on the overall education system. The objectives of the analysis are:

  1. to assess and estimate the various impacts of the COVID-19 epidemic on the education sector and stakeholders in Asia;
  2. to examine policy and financial implications on progress towards achieving SDG 4-Education 2030; and
  3. to identify examples of promising responses and strategies in education and associated social sectors, which can be shared with other countries.
COVID-19 Education Situation Analysis in Asia
UNICEF ROSA, UNICEF EAPRO, UNESCO Bangkok, Cambridge Education
Publication date

This situation analysis is a collaboration between UNESCO, UNICEF ROSA and UNICEF EAPRO partly funded by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) under the UNESCO-UNICEF-World Bank joint project on Global and Regional Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.